Traders at Knockengorroch (non-food)
Traders applications for 2025 will open soon.
Traders applications are now open.
Please read the form and terms and conditions (below) carefully before completing and answer all 13 questions in full. Don’t forget to check ‘YES’ at item 13 ‘Terms & Conditions’ to confirm your acceptance of them.
Problem submitting the form? Please email us so we can see what’s what.
Terms & Conditions for trading at Knockengorroch
Traders are not permitted to bring their own generators, though we are happy if you bring your own battery power i.e. no generator. We can provide power at £150 from Friday to Sunday night/Monday morning (we will do our best to provide power from Thursday), payable in advance along with stall fees – please indicate above. If power is required, a returnable deposit of £10 must also be paid for the electrical extension lead and plug needed to power you up.
On return of the equipment to the festival office (our electrician will indicate what has to be returned) you will be reimbursed with the deposit. So the total electricity charge is £160 (including returnable deposit of £10) The £10 deposit will not be returned if you do not hand in the equipment before you leave the site Monday. Late applications for returning the deposit will not be accepted.
All traders must be on site by 8pm on the Wednesday before and may not leave the site until the Monday morning. If you cannot comply with this, you must let us know. We appreciate some have travelled a long way, but it is unfair for staff to be expected to site traders who arrive so late.
The festival gates open to the public on Thursday morning and are open Thursday 10am-10pm, Friday to Sunday 9am-10pm. No entry after 10pm.
Please Note: Health & Safety will not allow any fires of any description at all. Please comply both with this rule, and the No Smoking law in your stall. You must leave your site as you found it. Please use the recycling bins and dispose of all litter properly. Please take home as much of your litter as possible.
We have a limited number of stalls and give priority to local and previous traders. We cannot guarantee a space but we cannot consider any applications without this completed form.
Please keep a copy of our terms and conditions for your records. If successful we will notify you of the cost of trading (a 4 day ticket per person + stall fee + electricity charge if electricity required).
Vehicles, tents, caravans
One vehicle free of charge is permitted and a vehicle pass will be emailed with your entry tickets. Any further vehicles must be paid for at visitor rates – please purchase any additional vehicle passes over and above your one free vehicle pass from the tickets page. All payments must be received preferably by return when you are notified if successful, and at the latest by 5th April. We are always heavily oversubscribed and end up with a waiting list. Please note that you and your staff should camp and park up behind your stall so take this into account when providing the size you require for your outlet. Please do not camp or park on paying visitor spaces – the site is small and we need to maximize parking and camping space for paying visitors which is in all our interests.
Trading Areas
There are 2 trading areas: the Shieling area adjacent to the Shieling marquee (live music daytime and dance music from around midnight), and the Bo Airigh main stage area (adjacent to main stage and bar). Footfall is similar in both areas though any 24 hour food outlets will mainly be positioned in the Shieling area for increased footfall later at night. We will try to position you in the area of your choice but this cannot be guaranteed.
Application Deadline
Deadline for receipt of traders’ applications is 16th March 2025.
By applying for a trade space, you signify your agreement to all of the above terms & conditions.
Our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer. Details will be sent with your acceptance email.
Advertise in the Festival Programme
Why not advertise in our full colour festival programme, read and taken home by most of our festival visitors? Prices start at £35. Please email for details.
If you have downloaded a form, once completed either email it as an attachment to or print and send to:
Fest Office, Knockengorroch, Carsphairn, DG7 3TJ